ThinkPint Stories… Some true, some not entirely.
Email Humor: Bits and pieces selected from email.
Time On My Hand: After 19 truty years of service, an old hand was retired and a search for a new one began.
The Gate Keeper: Keeping the gate in a gated community is fundamentally boring. In this story, a keeper’s night job provided job satisfaction for a time.
Awareness and Purpose: Personal optimism in a going-to-hell-in-a-hand-basket-world.
Welcome Back: A brief history of university administration.
Analyzing Constraints: a procedure for sorting fact from sloppy thinking in situations when we conclude that external forces prohibit us from pursuing our desires.
Following the Kids: Relocating close to family may have its downside.
Traveling Alone: Tips for enhancing pleasure from a solo trip.
The Retiring Retiree: A private journey into retirement has appeal and intrigue.
Senior Senior: Calling it as you see it is important.
Selecting Leisure: Beginning by clarifying your desired personal payoffs before initiating activities may have real payoffs.