Chinese Tour Psychology
The final day involves a completely uneventful six-hour train ride back to Hong Kong; memorable, nevertheless. Each car in the train is fitted with a TV monitor. The sound has two options: too loud and deafening. The only program, which is repeated continuously, is a Chinese amateur rock band contest. There is no food service, except a table where the attendant sells–you’ve got it–chocolates and warm beer. So, by late afternoon everyone’s high point of anticipation is getting off the train. This had been foreseen, perhaps unconsciously, by several tour members, and they actually broke the Chinese rule and tipped the guide as they left the money-changing room at the Canton station and boarded the train to Hong Kong. One couple lost complete control, and instead of surrendering to the regulation which requires visitors to change their yuan to non-Chinese currency, gave their remaining 20 dollars worth to the tour guide. He wouldn’t take it for himself, of course, but did agree it was a fitting and thoughtful gift for his child.
It was quite a five-day experience. The Chinese organize a fun-filled group tour which is not easy to forget. Actually, it is impossible, as inscrutable as that may seem.